Vbnx's Comments

I could never go through the process of socialising a child into consensus reality, but then the child would never fit in and would be punished by society through its mechanism of power, "governmentality". This would be sad to watch. No kids for me.

Many other species do not breed if the environment is wrong. I'd never bring a kid into this world given it's present state.
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I have an embarrassing memory of 32 people in and on my 1964 station wagon, driving them 2 miles from one party to the next. And I was drunk too. I remember the car wouldn't steer, I drove very slowly. We all made it safely. I still shudder at my youthful stupidity.
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I fear he'll be assassinated and all hell will break loose. All those guns in the community will come out and it will be on. I hope I'm wrong.
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I wonder what the norms are, of that tribe that was discovered in the Amazon (that was posted on neatorama a few days ago) are? I bet if one of their members was hearing voices and seeing visions, they'd be the mobs shaman (witch doctor) and they'd have a respected place in their community.

It's still a real shame we use closed minded ideology to silence our so-called mad and confine everyone to think in non-mad terms.

There is no conclusive lab test for SZ and there is no known cause. To date, calling SZ an illness amounts to no more than ideology. Using the same ideology, we could claim all left wing thinking people are mentally ill.

I think labeling people that have broken out of consensus reality as mad is just another form of madness. I think we should embrace all possible modes of thought and remove this wall we've put up. I think we'd all be better for it. People labeled as SZ have respected place society, like they did in our past.

Jeez, we'd have to change a few of our constructs though, and it would cause social upheaval and problems but it would be worth it, I reckon.
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Make adjustments to your lifestyle and deal with it. Consume less and consume wisely. Energy has been to cheap for to long. $8 plus a gallon is good for the environment, it will slow consumption down.
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I'm well read on the topic and you are wrong. It's really not the place to have a debate about it. I've spoken publicly about my views on psychiatry a number of times. I'll save my steam for those occasions as those times are the most effective. And No, I'm not a scientologist.
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"psychiatrists do indeed have every justification to pescribe drugs as there is a vast body of literature out there that indicates that on average, they do significantly improve OCD symptoms."

In double blind tests, drugs used to treat OCD are no more effective than placebo.
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I was diagnosed by psychiatrists as having OCD. I was told it was caused by a chemical imbalance (serotonin). No form of lab test was used in the diagnosis because none exist and no cause is known. I was prescribed medication to correct the imbalance. The Psych's had no lab test to check if the imbalance was corrected.

I gave up on psychiatry as quackery. Through a long process I just challenged the way I thought and my obsessive behavior and over 18 months, I cured myself. It seems fairly straight forward to me, just work on your thought process and change it. The only one who can control your mind is yourself.
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