Vbnx's Comments

Hmmm, scientific research. I'm always sceptical when it comes to science. This looks like classic junk science to me. The word "tend" makes this research fairly useless. Where are the studies that acknowledge the social, environmental effects in determining a persons predisposition to violence? In some cultures (such as in central America) violence is a way of gaining community respect, round faces have nothing to do with it. This is rubbish science.
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The Australian Coolgardie Safe.

"The Coolgardie Safe was made of wire mesh, hessian, a wooden frame and had a galvanised iron tray on top. The galvanised iron tray was filled with water. The hessian bag was hung over the side with one of the ends in the tray to soak up the water.

Gradually the hessian bag would get wet. When a breeze came it would go through the wet bag and evaporate the water. This would cool the air and in turn cool the food stored in the safe.

It was usually placed on a veranda where there was a breeze. The Coolgardie safe was a common household item in Australia up to the mid-twentieth century. Safes could be purchased ready-made or fairly easily constructed at home. Some of the metal panel safes are very highly decorated, showing the great creativity of their makers."

Source Wikipedia
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You can now buy any scientific research finding (outcome) you want these days. Gone are the days of the peer reviewed process and reliable research. Scientific research is now a privatised enterprise that is in the business of making money. If a research organisation doesn't supply the outcomes that people paying for, they will get no further work (money) for future research. There is plenty of scientists and research companies ready to sell out their integrity in an instant. Everyone needs to make a dollar to survive.

Governments and tax payers should fund all research to ensure it is independent from the market, peer reviewed and reliable.
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So this study (bah!) is specific to US culture only, it's not global? Still, as others have already commented, the source is Fox, so it's very unreliable. Of course Fox would write biased crap like this. I'm sure the fans of psychology will swallow every line as blindly as ever though.
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I don't think Joe Horn thought it through, now he's got to worry about the friends and family of the 2 he shot taking revenge. I bet every time he hears a car go by or a bump in the night he has to reach for his shot gun. Every time he go's out he'd be looking over his shoulder. He's also have to worry about the safety of his family.

He'll have a life of paranoia and worry after what he did. Anyone that does what Horn did would end up with the same set of concerns.

I'd rather just fill in a claim form and get new for old under my insurance policy than having to spend years worrying about revenge attacks for shooting unarmed men leaving a scene in the back.
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I'm from the 'language is a social construct' camp. Linguistic determinism is the hypothesis that language shapes thought. Ludwig Wittgenstein and Sapir & Whorf provide some interesting reading on this topic. For example: What we cannot say, we cannot think. What we cannot say must be passed over in silence. The words we possess determine the things that we can know. If we have an experience, we are confined not just in our communication of it, but also in our knowledge of it, by the words we possess. You can find the above on Wikipedia Linguistic Determinism page.

As a side note, if you ask the Aymara of central America to point to the future, the point behind themselves. We would point straight ahead.

I reckon there is some crucial knowledge out there that shows us our true relationship with the universe but we are yet to develop the language or the scientific measuring instruments (categorisation systems) to understand it.

Interesting stuff indeed.
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I have a thing called home contents insurance, it costs $100 a year. If I get robbed, things get replaced under this insurance policy. Then, I'd let the police track down the thieves in due course. This taking of peoples lives for burglary (a few replaceable material objects) is unacceptable and abhorrent. Surely any persons life, even if they are a burglar, is worth $100. Condoning killing them by shooting them in the back??? What sort of society are you Americans living in? Get contents insurance for your houses, it's probably cheaper than a gun and the thieves get a chance to turn their lives around in the future instead of being shoot in the back.

If my neighbours murdered a thief leaving my property, I'd want them charged and locked up for life.
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I'm glad I live in a country where this Horn bloke would have been charged with 2 murders and locked up for decades. I wouldn't want a nutcase like him roaming free in my society.
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I had a pretty interesting rave with our State Ombudsman (family friend) about Jungian Typology or MBTI and it's use in organisational structures (team building). Indeed, reading faces (also posture, gait etc) is a crucial component of identifying type. The State Ombudsman's office Human Resource Manager (as many organisations do) used MBTI to structure their departmental teams. I admit that the use of MBTI is fairly controversial, but when our Governments watch dog uses it, I think it has a bit more merit than you propose. Some people can read faces accurately others cant.
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No wucka's.
To clarify, I was commenting on reading his facial expression, eyes in particular. I'm good at reading faces. Also, you shouldn't think the present state of affairs is fixed and will never change. Things aren't like they were in the past and things wont be like they are now in the future. It's always changing. An invent in the future may occur that could collapse our present system of thought. It's happened plenty of times in the past, it will certainly happen again.
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Thanks, I haven't had a good belly laugh like that for a while. My culture is 60 thousand years + old. We share! Your assumptions about me are just plain wrong.
But jeez, aren't you going off like a frog in a sock on this thread. LOL!!!
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In the social network and culture I belong to, we have a saying "All property is theft". I'm fairly confident most Americans wouldn't be able to fathom such a concept. Also, what an ugly looking man. He's photo radiates psycho-christian-redneck culture. YUK!
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