The diving suit one reminds me of this 1894 John Kendrick Bangs short story, THE WATER GHOST, where this guy's grandfather, father, and now him are cursed to be visited by a ghost who comes and drips cold water on them until they die of pneumonia, basically. He tries to defeat it by wearing a diving suit:
I like in the James Bond movie A VIEW TO A KILL (itself named for the Ian Fleming short story "From A View To A Kill", though there's little resemblance between the two, where Grace Jones and Christopher Walken are in a blimp overlooking San Francisco Bay, and Grace Jones says, "What a view!", and Christopher Walken replies, "Yeah, a view to a kill!"
You'd think there'd be a pause and then one of them would say, "So, that was a weird non-sequitur...", but no...
What this reminds me of: My brother one time was with a friend in Michigan, and they explored a factory that had closed pretty much right after The Great Depression hit, 1929, and it was like a time capsule inside. Newspapers strewn about with the 1929 date, tools still in drawers. The safe had been blown open, but otherwise, surprisingly little vandalism.
I don't know about "totally unexpected," but Larry Hagman, actor best known from I DREAM OF JEANNIE and as J.R. Ewing on DALLAS, may not be the one you'd first expect to be the director of the 1972 sequel BEWARE! THE BLOB!
Her left hand is on her left leg. Which is attached to that left thigh. The hand and black sleeve are blocking your view of the knee.
In short: Spain's minister of defense is more flexible than your minister of defense.
"No change yet."
Also in the 2010 James Bond video game BLOODSTONE.
You'd think there'd be a pause and then one of them would say, "So, that was a weird non-sequitur...", but no...
"He tried to kill me with a forklift!"
More giant squids!
What, you didn't know there were giant squids on the Planet of the Apes?