my first reaction was negative. mainly because it's a bit startling and off-putting. then i thought, hey, the guy lost his arm and he's making the best of it. to me, calling the tattoo disgusting is insulting to the amputee. it's really his call. if it's hard for us to look at, then that's our problem, not his.
@brad...good eye! i totally missed that. it looks like it's on a string...maybe to keep Bunk from running off with it. considering it's perfectly sanitized - or better yet, brand new - that would be one heck of a chew toy.
i think it's great! what a wonderful treat for Bunk. as for all the gloom & doomers...the risk that balloons pose to dogs is about the same as most of the other non-food items a dog ends swallowing - most of them we're blissfully unaware of...thank goodness. if you know your dog's habits you'll notice if his poopies are off schedule and take action.
side note: just a handful of grapes or raisins can be harmful, sometimes fatal to your dog by causing renal failure. the more you know...
ack! quit throwing the word 'racism' around where it doesn't belong. there's no difference in race - they're lobsters. now, if you want to call it a 'lobster of color (other than red)', then you might have something to grasp at.
that is super neat. i love vincent price. i looked at every single drawing and i kept forgetting that they were all drawn on post-it notes. that's such a cool idea...oh how i wish i could draw.
people give c**p to the cops all the time...but if you need help you're still gonna dial 911.
side note: just a handful of grapes or raisins can be harmful, sometimes fatal to your dog by causing renal failure. the more you know...