the monkey's Comments

hi jill harness - i'm here in temecula myself! it's weird how we become used to the fires and earthquakes here in so cal. i've been here all my life and it seems like the fire season lasts longer every year. still, november is pretty late in the year for so many fires's more of an october thing. but it's so darned hot out here right now. i've got a fan AND the a/c on. we need some rain and cool weather already.

my condolences, also, to all those affected by the fires.

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dang! what a wild ride!! i was on the edge of my seat, and, as someone else mentioned, thank goodness for that orange ring. can't wait for the movie. of course it will never match her original version - it's still bound to be better than most of what's out there now. you go, you adorable little french girl, you!
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the commercial for this is hilarious. in the style of all commercials for new fangled items - it demonstrates how hard, if not downright impossible, it is to use a 'regular' blanket.
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it's pretty sad that we need to have 'extra info' added explaining that this child has medical issues - just so people won't rip him to shreds. do you really require a medical reason to prevent you from making fun of a child? why do so many go right for the insults? maybe you'd think twice if your child had something that set him/her apart from other children. it's really sickening how people have jumped on this poor kid - for just having fun, being himself and making a cute video.
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i think he's adorable. what is with all the people jumping on every negative aspect and disecting this poor kid without knowing what's going on? even if his parents were somehow to blame - that shouldn't make HIM the object of ridicule. he's just a kid. to the adults that said nasty things about him - you really should be ashamed of yourselves. you know your kids pick up these things and will go on to make fun of others as well - not a nice trait. as a kid who was picked on in school - let me tell you, it's hell. why not just enjoy a cute little boy lip synching to the 'Cuppy Cake' song? why does it have to get all nasty?
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if you follow the link and take a look at the photos - in the 4th pic the snake has a fairly big wound. it doesn't look like a spider caused it. it looks more like a stab hole.
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wow. i can't believe that they let such a poisonous spider stay inside the office...and that must've been one helluva strong web to hold that relatively large snake. i have to say it was pretty generous of the workers to let it stay and finish off the snake. i suppose it was something to see. a (hopefully) once in a lifetime opporunity to watch 'thing eat thing'.
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hooray for that guy!!! even though i'd be terrified, i'd do it for my dog-kids too. i wonder if the dog will want to continue his daily swim...

mossel, i'm not going to flame you. instead i actually feel bad for you that you don't know the love of a dog. oh, and the 'rat' part is because they were bred for catching rats and other small varmints.
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i'm amazed at how strongly people have reacted to this video.

blessedblogger, i suppose i can see why you might think that people who find this funny might have a character flaw. i mean, if you truly believe that there is true suffering and cruelty depicted (and i believe that you do) - then it would be natural for you to think that those who laugh at it are, at best, not very nice. the thing is, not all of us see it like that. i've had nearly all of those things happen to me at one time or another - either on purpose or on accident and i survived them all no worse for the wear. you may not want to judge us with such a broad stroke. i don't want to get into what kind of person i am - i just want to point out that, just because someone's opinion of what is funny is different doesn't mean they lack character. they just may see things differently. nothing more.
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avital, kinda arrogant to assume that my sense of humor is childish. it's goofy for sure, asinine at times and quite often esoteric - but not childish. also, i'm as far from arrogant as you can get, i just see humor in just about everything and i love it. isn't it better to laugh than not to? i have fallen in front of crowds and i thought it was just as funny as everyone else did. it's not childish at all, it's just a different way of seeing the world without all the hang-ups attached.

having said that, i will take back what i said about lightening up - only b/c i seem to have offended avital with that and that wasn't my intent. but then again, avital, you put a swear word in your post. as a matter of fact, it looks like the only people (up 'til now) who put swear words in their responses were the ones that didn't like it. odd. oh, before you assume that i don't swear...i do, like sailor. just not in online forums where kids and others who don't want to read such things might see it. i guess i'm just childish that way...

but i truly do feel sorry for people who don't see the humor. i see it everywhere. but you can't argue about whose sense of humor is better because everyone is different.

now, a question - and i mean in sincerely because i'm curious....for those of you that don't like this - what kind of comedy do you like?
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