Kids can be amazing. My younger daughter used to copy every move I made driving while she was in the shot gun seat. When she turned 16, she got her license right away. I later found out doing the emulating helped her deal with car sickness.
Imagine if we relied on roving herds of cattle for our meat and milk. Seems to me we should be using more aquaculture to raise fish and other sea foods.
What's funny is that half the names are the names of my Granddaughters, Grand Nieces, or neighbor's children. Wish they would make those kind of quizzes more friendly to lousy typists like myself.
Remembering in my youth around 1950 a neighbor that still had an ice box requiring delivery of ice. They had a sign which they put in the window to tell the iceman how many pounds they would need. In the summer the guy would chip off pieces and give it to us to suck on.
I remember seeing a high speed beer bottling line at a large brewery where bottles that were not full were "kicked out" from the fast moving line automatically. I can't imagine any such line having to stop and have a worker manually remove an offending container, especially after spending so much money on an alleged solution.