Surprisingly, this isn't the first time I've seen such a thing. I was in a hospital out west a couple years ago (Something Heart as I recall) and one of the doctors (!) tried selling me one of these. Some guy with a foreign name, Dr. Jan Itor I believe it was. Anyways, I assumed it was some sort of test to single out the crazies as anyone who wants one of these must be nuts!
What in the world was he doing standing right next to the tracks with a train coming that he must have seen/heard? It doesn't make any sense, unless he was looking to end it all.
See now, this is exactly the kind of thing FDR would have done to get the U.S. out of its current economic situation. Thinking outside the box (so to speak) to give people gainful employment, thanks Nestle!
Yeah, let's all fight a**holishness with even greater jacka**icality. There should really be a facility where people like this can be sent to just have the stupid slapped right out of them.
This reminds me of a story from Eric L. Haney's book, Inside Delta Force. He talks about how they had a company making them different bulletproof gear and they had just sent over a headpiece/helmet for them. One of the guys who swore by the stuff this company made wanted to test the helmet by wearing it and getting shot. None of the other guys was willing to be the shooter though. This was lucky because the company had actually sent a mock-up which was not actually bulletproof.
It'll be okay if the guy has followed Egyptian religions for years (secretly, of course, to avoid persecution). In that way his confession was to the head of his church and considered privileged, and thus inadmissible.
Color me impressed.
Anyone else remember a game like this?