KIK000's Comments

This has got to be some disgustingly dirty mafia at work. Please say it is so!
Alternatively, the feds are a bunch of incompetent, imbecilic cretins with no grasp of reality.
I hope it's not the latter, I think I'm more afraid of that than a mafia.
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I still like it. Since I liked the old Neatorma I feel a sense of disloyalty saying this is better than the old version. It's definitely different and it's definitely not worse.
So I'll compromise and say that change is good and new features are great, and that I thoroughly enjoy it.
Good job Alex and good job Rommel
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I found a couple of minor/unimportant "issues":

To avoid issues I'll replace the use of for { and }. (yes, I had to look up the code for those so they would print; First attempt they made the word "and" disappear hehe)

♦ If you spam-click the "Like this comment" heart, the number of likes starts decreasing. It wasn't clear weather this was actually "unlikeing" or just changing the numbers either.
♦ When trying to Sign Up, if you provide an email address that is already in use the message reads "Email Address is associated with an existing account - if it is yours, please initiation password recovery"
♦ Haven't checked other browsers, but while using Chrome [21.0.1180.60 m] (Windows 7 x64) if you click on "formatting tips" bellow the TEXTAREA for the comment, the menu drops down briefly and almost instantly closes back up.
♦ Same platform as before; Clicked on Edit post and made a change. Clicked on [Save Edit] button and it saved but it added the words "Save Edit Cancel" at bottom of post. Upon further inspection: When you click on Edit post it adds the tag {textarea} and {/textarea} arround the text that has been written and beneath that the line {button}Save Edit{/button} {button}Cancel{/button} which saves as text only given that it's actually within the actual TEXTAREA.
♦ (You are gonna laugh at this one Rommel) =p. Attempted to edit own post from home-page instead of actually clicking through to the article at ""; I wrote "Same platform as before; C..." As soon as I pressed the letter "C" for "Clicked", the comment box was closed and as you can imagine the changes were not saved.

Hopefully no more to come =p.

At any rate, congratulations on the new look! I like it and am very glad to see Neatorama grow :)!

PS:I'm only doing this because I <3 Neatorama, not because I get some sick enjoyment of pointing out errors but rather because I want to help out.
Save Edit Cancel \
Save Edit Cancel - This is how many times I've edited this post. ;p
Save Edit Cancel /
Save Edit Cancel
Save Edit Cancel
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Evelyn This blog is not just about things you find Neat. It's about interesting things the authors find on the internet (

I agree with you and the rest of the posters so far about the obsolescence of the video in question. I did not and would not vote for Obama, but the reasons the Kid was made to give are all invalid twisting of the truth if I'm not mistaken.

In my opinion it is interesting that the US is not impervious to ignorance. That people that would do and think the ideas portrayed in the video exist is a fact to keep in mind.

While the video is far from being neat, Neatorama just showed you something about reality that you dislike. NEAT! let's change it!
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1. Kisai Rogue Touch Pocket Watch - Green with Green LED
2. NeatoTurtle - Ash Gray - Small
3. Schroedinger's Cat: Wanted Dead And/Or Alive - Chocolate - Small
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This probably is the video you saw a while ago. It's a very interesting concept but I only "get it" if somehow you are able to come down into the train below as you travel or go up to the small one on top as you near the station at which you want to get off. Otherwise I don't understand what you do if you want to keep going.
Also I don't see whiplash being a problem as I'm sure the small wagons on top have their own break system and they work on inertia and not by latching on to the train abruptly
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it's not a failure of math and it's not a failure of language either.
It is what it is, a theorem if you will; and a infinitely repeating number can not be applied to the finite things we deal with on a regular basis. If we wanted to talk about infinite things this would apply and perhaps be useful but how many times have you tried to measure something infinite in the past 6 months? and how many true statements can we, as the human race, make to describe things we think to be infinite?
Human beings tend to think what's easy to understand is correct and what is hard to comprehend must be wrong. Just because you can't find a use for this or because it seems like a difficult concept does not mean it is invalid or wrong or not worth talking about it. If it does not interest you.. walk away.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/04



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