KIK000's Comments

1. Rogue Touch Pocket Watch LED Watch - Green+GreenLED
2. Schrodinger's Cat: Wanted Dead And/Or Alive - Small - Chocolate
3. Anatomical Heart Pencil Holder
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I can confirm that this is a fake. Those are Japanese characters there. There is some Kanji but a lot is Katakana (and the majority is gibberish) and while the 2 languages do share Kanji they absolutely do not share Katakana.

Silly joke is silly.
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I went to the Link and like others I found the top comment to be more interesting than the actual article there.

I am copying said comment, authored by A_Lee here:
"Not to be a downer, but while you are indeed looking at DNA, you aren't looking at a single strand of DNA. Whoever told you that is mistaken.

If any one is interested in the details, the first image (which looks more like a photograph), is a scanning-electron micrograph (SEM) image. The second, which looks more 2D and grainy, is a transmission-electron micrograph (TEM) image.

First, a description of what you are looking at. You are looking a a bundle of DNA fibers. Their are seven DNA strands, six in a hexagonal wrapping around one core. The reason we know this is because (a) the paper says so, and (b) the strand is far too thick to be one single strand. It's about 20 nanometers thick, which is too thick to be single-strand DNA.

Now, the images.

The SEM image shows the DNA strand suspended over two pillars. It's almost certainly coated with some metal, probably gold-palladium. It's taken at a fairly low resolution, the scale bar is probably in the 1-10 micron range, and the electron beam energy is very low, probably around 1-5keV. At this magnification and this energy level, you cannot actually "see" the DNA strand, anymore than we can "see" stars in the sky. We simply perceive a bright object against a dark background, but we don't have the resolution to distinguish between one star and two stars right next to each other.

The second image is a TEM image. TEM works like a slide projector, shining electrons through the object, and projecting them on the other side. It works with interference patterns (remember, quantum effects dominate here). So it is very good at finding tight periodic structures. In this case, the aligned "curls" of the DNA. What you are seeing is the change in atomic density along the DNA bundle. Imagine a super-long gummy worm that alternates between very short red and green segments. Now put seven of them together in a bundle, making sure that each colored segment matches up. Then step away, and you'll perceive a single, thick, gummy worm with alternating red and green lines. That's what you're seeing here.

Still, imaging organic molecules is always difficult with electron beams, because they tend to fry them. So this is still quite an achievement."
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Kisai Rogue Touch Pocket Watch LED Watch - Green + Green LED.
Schroedinger's Cat: Wanted Dead And/Or Alive - T-shirt - Small - Chocolate.
Hand Stand - Phone Stand
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“Do they want people to believe the region has no poor people ...?"
Regardless of whether there are or aren't poor people, being poor doesn't give them the right to bother people. One thing is to be in need and ask for help, but an entirely different is to think you are entitled to other's help and that it's OK to follow around and nagg at people during their leisure time.
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She deserves to be thrown in jail or a mental institution. Obviously she's delusional. Or perhaps someone should take the liberty of restoring her brain faculties, with a rusty spoon, without asking her for permission. I bet her next-door neighbor can do a great job of it.
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I've heard of parasites that get into ants or snails and make them climb to the tip of grass blades or plants, which gets them eaten by birds or other predators which incubate the offspring of the parasites in their bodies and then excrete them where ants or snails will then get infected. They call them Zombie Parasites I think. In fact, I may have learned of this right here at Neatorama.

This behavior looks exactly like that to me, but if a parasite can 'sense' a predator from inside the host I am at the same time impressed and really really scared.

Any Neato-Biologists or Neato-Zoologists care to comment on this?
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How many of your acquaintances can say with certainty in which womb you were engendered? I doubt anybody will ever know.

I do see 2 small issues though.
1) Grandma's life was endangered
2) I understand the joy of motherhood, but there is a reason for "survival of the fittest" and if mommy's heart problems are genetic, forcing the birth of a new being with same problem seems a little selfish. (only a little though)(and there is the chance he will be as healthy as can be).
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Phelps is not a champion because he smokes pot!
Armstrong is not a champion because... w/e.. we think he cheated!
The moon landing was Fake!
The holocaust never happened!

The world is not full of idiots. It does not make me sad at all.
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