PlaysWithWolves's Comments

People who get offended by political posts probably don't get their news from Jon Stewart or entertainment sites. They probably want a break from such fun.

This falls into the "can't unsee" category. It's classic propaganda along the lines of making Jewish look like devils. By the time I got to that point, the shift was subtle but there. It would be like a blog post saying "Two Girls, One Cup" is the "Neatoramist" thing on the Internet. You click, trusting Miss Celania's judgment and WOAH.

But it's okay. I'm here to warn you folks when you're full of cow dung (takes one to know one?). :)
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Ikeya, this is the best kind of propaganda. It starts pretty neutral and informative and ends up where Obama and the Democrats are the benevolent saviors and the GoP pretty much eat kittens and steal candy from kids.

Are we sure "Mike Duncan" isn't really "Michael Moore"?
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Fan costumes were my most favorite each time I went to DragonCon, a few years ago.

Well, I take that back. Seeing Peter Mayhew as Chewie in the hotel lobby the eve before con started would definitely be in my top-five-awesome-things-to-have-seen highlight list.
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Well, it'd be nice if we could at least agree that our Congress shouldn't "... have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy."

No matter what one's beliefs, I think that kind of thinking doesn't usually end up serving us well in the long run. :) YMMV
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The administration hasn't been very forthcoming with figures and in fact have embargoed information. Best estimates seem to be that (on average) an increase for most segments of our population:
Double Down: Obamacare Will Increase Avg. Individual-Market Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women

Not to mention that many employers are slashing hours for full time workers to avoid the Obamacare insurance mandate
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Now if they would have asked about it's true name, the Unaffordable Care Act, then everyone would have answered correctly!

Or as put by a better man than I: It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it. - Thomas Sowell
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I initially thought that too. A parked-and-loaded dump truck on a half-flooded pontoon bridge usually doesn't end well for truck and nearby cars alike. I think he just had to move.

I'd love to know more. Are those military bridges, which normally handle very heavy equipment? Was there a flash flood? Is it the only way in-and-out of the area? It seemed like an awful lot of traffic for a non-permanent structure. Or was that as close as they've ever gotten?

Then again, that takes time -- and who has time for that when the Fall TV season has started?
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