truce heads are equally beautiful...and unique....just keep them out the sun or they cook like bacon in momma's frying pan for a Sunday morning breakfast...mmmmm...i think i might be hungry.
your ignorance isnt shocking to me jessss....u sit at your computer and have so much you could do with it but instead you respond to my comment as if i am attacking you....its not just sunlight...its other things as well...look online and see all the studies and PROOF that has been published. Dont research under ginger...research under red hair color.
(agfh)not if you don't make her insecure by reading things that arent written with all the info provided to understand why.....this is another case of bad journalism.....oh...and u cant protect your kids from ignorance so just educate them and give them guidance..why would you tell your child about this anyway?
i think it needs to be explained has to do with medical isn't the hair color and pale skin its the health issues that comes with it.