Just wondering (on this humid rainy night) how much meat would there be on a goat's foot? Is that something like our chicken wings where you have to buy a "slew" of them to make a good meal? Do they come with any type of sauce? Celery sticks? Do they offer the rest of the goat on the menu? Seems ashame to just cook the feet. I'm sure they would make good use of the rest of the animal DON'TCHATHINK???
I saw a goat once, in an adjacent field, while I was out cow tipping in Danville, Indiana that was much better looking than this one. I never thought to take a picture of it. Damn!! We both missed our chance at 15 minutes of fame.
I drive a 1995 Hyundai, so I take a trip back in time everyday!! NO CD's for me! I can get tapes at Half Price Books for 50 cents and I get 27 miles to the gallon! LONG LIVE CASSETTES
I LOVE SOCK MONKEYS!!! My Aunt use to make them for me out of my Uncle's socks....there's a story there somewhere. This was in the 50's when people had a lot more time on their hands.
What's That Smell???? Oh, yea Terre Haute, Indiana. I'm a Hoosier but wouldn't live in Terre Haute if somebody gave me a house, car and perfect family to go with it.