Actually, it did turn into a real show, and it was brilliant. Now when you find it on DVD, all the nudity has been edited out for the sensitive Ameribabies.
You know, at first I made a smarmy comment, but I do have to throw in my 2 cents.
As someone living with inflammatory bowel disease, I sometimes am a bit overzealous when people criticize the ONLY medication out of dozens I've found that helps me keep my appetite / maintain my weight.
The temperance nerds will always be temperance nerds.
I'm not sorry that my medicine happens to be wrongfully considered a drug of abuse by the conservative right-wing fundamentalists. I'm not sorry that it makes me feel great, either.
I f-ing deserve it after spending 20 years in misery (AND as a lab rat for pharmaceutical companies and doctor's who'd rather throw pills at you than really try to identify the problem) before discovering something that works.
You can grow your nerd-version pot all you want, I wont change brands.
It really doesn't matter about the size. Properly balanced with planks underneath it, a single person can move an Easter Island statue without even breaking a sweat.
Wow, some of those frames are incredibly detailed, some so abstract as to not know what you're even seeing other than shapes of colour. Really interesting stuff.
2.Star Trek Command Uniform T-Shirt (L)
3.Skull Stein / Skull Mug
Thanks again Alex!
As someone living with inflammatory bowel disease, I sometimes am a bit overzealous when people criticize the ONLY medication out of dozens I've found that helps me keep my appetite / maintain my weight.
The temperance nerds will always be temperance nerds.
I'm not sorry that my medicine happens to be wrongfully considered a drug of abuse by the conservative right-wing fundamentalists. I'm not sorry that it makes me feel great, either.
I f-ing deserve it after spending 20 years in misery (AND as a lab rat for pharmaceutical companies and doctor's who'd rather throw pills at you than really try to identify the problem) before discovering something that works.
You can grow your nerd-version pot all you want, I wont change brands.