star_light's Comments

Charcoal is better but I use propane gas. It is convenient and easy. Charcoal is better but when I get home in the evening, I don't have the patience for getting a charcola grill going. I think a propane grill is less expensive to operate. It cooks well and you can add wood chips if you want that wood smoke effect on your meats.
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I'm not sure about this practice. Just think of the birds (seagulls in particular) that would come over and pick at the food. Then there is the possibility of the food rotting and spreading illness. Not a good practice if you want my opinion. It is better to help the homeless get out of their situation and not enable them to stay that way. Teach a man to care for himself and you have the answer. Feed him and you don't enable him to improve his position in life.
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I am happy that a black man is finally won nomination for his party. I'm disappointed in the field of candidates. Hillary's a recipe for disaster and Obama is about as ineffective in what he wants to give (bankrupt) America. No government has ever taxed and spent it's way to prosperity, ever. John McCain, I just hope he's not a wolf in sheep's clothing. Democrat's have been screwing us over since Lyndon Johnson. Republican's have been doing the same. I'd love to see issue's debated, but this election process has been pretty pathetic. They shoot horse's don't they?
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This is nothing new. Sheesh, this has been going on in Japan since forever. It's funny to see these clips show up. The women carrying the shrine are actually men in drag. It's all in good fun. The Japanese take their fertility seriously and if you understand the culture, this is a celebration of life. Nothing to be embaressed about and I find it refreshingly honest.
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