I come to Neatorama when I want to see fun and interesting things; it's relaxing. When I want to see infuriating & depressing things (much rarer) I go to other sites. If garbage like this shows up again this will need to become one of those 'other' sites.
Bill Gates' father was a lawyer and he attended private school as a child. Mark Zuckerberg's parents were both doctors and he benefited from extensive private tutoring as a child. Warren Buffet's father was a congressman and owned a stock brokerage; Buffet was able to purchase a farm before graduating high school. Donald Trump's father was a real estate developer who had a net worth of $400M at the time of his death; Donald Trump got his start working for him. Steve Jobs' father taught him electronics as a child, and his parents spent an extensive portion of their life savings to get him into Reed College, after which he lied to cheat his "friend" out of money at least once.
My problem isn't income inequality; it's that it's mostly based on having an extremely advantaged youth (and sometimes being a jerk) rather than merit & hard work.
Unless you are teaching first grade only, much of what you will teach your children depends on prior knowledge - you're ability to educate the children will be largely based on how well they were educated before reaching you.
Some years, just by odds, you are going to have a poorly performing batch of children. These and other factors introduce a lot of randomness to the process. In this case, dire financial consequences could result.
This could have negative incentive consequences. A teacher responsible for more than 30 children has a finite amount of time. The lower performing child who must raise his scores 30 points just to pass and the high performing child who could afford to lose 30 points will be equally ignored in favor of borderline children to get better stats.
They will 'teach to the test' even more, ignoring application and intuitive understanding.
I suspect this will do little to eliminate terrible teachers with the side effect of sometimes punishing good ones.
Exactly how many people and/or how much area exceeds the limit of reasonableness? Here we have 19 cars in an intersection. What if we knew he was on a particular section of street? An apartment building or trailer park? A city block? A small town? If it's ok to detain a majority of people known to be innocent, at what point does it stop being ok to detain everyone? If they're going to continue to do this, those questions must be answered.
Something similar happened to me, in that I was on my own at 15. I wasn't able to get a part-time job, so I ended up working full time. This was in a semi-rural area, and I wasn't sure how to move to the city at the time, as being a minor complicated things. There weren't any stations or anything else open at night to study in either, at least that didn't kick you out for loitering. There weren't any STEM type schools in my area and normal high schools couldn't accommodate my work schedule. I went to one of those 'alternative' programs, where the highest math class offered was geometry. I ended up joining the military, stayed in about five years longer than I intended, and am going to a community college now. I hope I can get accepted into a nice school someday. I'd love to meet this kid, he seems awesome.
Someone who can plan for years and then carry out the cold blooded murder of 77 people, that is not human. That is a monster.
We seem to be placing much more value on the lives of those 77 individuals, which Norway seems to have forgotten. Sure, he wants to live. I bet he also wants to not be in jail. Actions have consequences. I am against the death penalty, not because I don't want the blood of murderers on my hand, but because no organization is infallible and it's inevitable that an innocent person will be executed.
At 9 months old, my head was the size of an adult's. Adult, not 5 year old. I'm told that when I tried to sit upright as a toddler, I wobbled and then hit the ground head-first. Quite often, they would leave the room and come back to find me face-down on the table/ground. Panic stricken, they'd rush to my aid, only to discover that I merely couldn't support the weight of my own head.
I was subjected to a series of CT scans. Nothing was found. The child abuse symptoms thing was brought up, but the sheer mass of my noggin made the true cause obvious.
My problem isn't income inequality; it's that it's mostly based on having an extremely advantaged youth (and sometimes being a jerk) rather than merit & hard work.
Unless you are teaching first grade only, much of what you will teach your children depends on prior knowledge - you're ability to educate the children will be largely based on how well they were educated before reaching you.
Some years, just by odds, you are going to have a poorly performing batch of children. These and other factors introduce a lot of randomness to the process. In this case, dire financial consequences could result.
This could have negative incentive consequences. A teacher responsible for more than 30 children has a finite amount of time. The lower performing child who must raise his scores 30 points just to pass and the high performing child who could afford to lose 30 points will be equally ignored in favor of borderline children to get better stats.
They will 'teach to the test' even more, ignoring application and intuitive understanding.
I suspect this will do little to eliminate terrible teachers with the side effect of sometimes punishing good ones.
We seem to be placing much more value on the lives of those 77 individuals, which Norway seems to have forgotten. Sure, he wants to live. I bet he also wants to not be in jail. Actions have consequences. I am against the death penalty, not because I don't want the blood of murderers on my hand, but because no organization is infallible and it's inevitable that an innocent person will be executed.
At 9 months old, my head was the size of an adult's. Adult, not 5 year old. I'm told that when I tried to sit upright as a toddler, I wobbled and then hit the ground head-first. Quite often, they would leave the room and come back to find me face-down on the table/ground. Panic stricken, they'd rush to my aid, only to discover that I merely couldn't support the weight of my own head.
I was subjected to a series of CT scans. Nothing was found. The child abuse symptoms thing was brought up, but the sheer mass of my noggin made the true cause obvious.