boydorn's Comments

3 Japan, two books, one of two English and one or two words in one 1,111,111,111,111 two interesting one 1-inch

I translated the introductory sentence
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If purple pieces of chocolate could fly, where would we be?

If you are part purple chocolate, where we will be able to fly?

Case, what can chocolate purple flying is part?

If you are flying purple or chocolate which is part of what?
If you, or that are part purple or chocolate flying?

If you are, what portion of chocolate or purple or flight?

If you are part of what chocolate or purple or flight?

If you are part of your flight or purple or chocolate?

What part of your flight or purple or chocolate?

Your flight or purple or chocolate, which part?

Your flight or purple, or any portion of chocolate?

Your flight or purple, any portion of chocolate?
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  • Member Since 2012/08/09



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