Limbo Kid haunts my dreams! There's nothing healthy about limbs that skinny. Looks like he's just going to fall apart if he keeps stretching them like that.
I wonder if all the people wearing the sign looked like the guy in the picture above. I bet females would have attracted more attention, or people in colorful, friendly clothing. I'm sure many were suspicious of a straight-faced, bald male wearing black. They didn't want to get scammed.
Those animal heads are so morbid! I'm assuming they're not real... I do wish the site had some text explaining exactly what we're looking at in the pictures.
I want to see a special competition run in parallel to the Olympics that is specifically for performance enhancement. While the Olympians maintain their "natural human abilities only" policy (fair enough), I also want to see what's really possible when people use technology to exceed their limits. Bring on the bionic men and the steroidal brutes! They deserve a place to compete, and I think the rest of us would enjoy watching their superhuman feats and saying "holy crap, how is that even possible?!" It's nice to see what progress can mean for people who embrace it.
Great music, great camerawork, fun video. What I really want to know is how the panning was so smooth and controlled. Usually moving cameras don't combine with time-lapse photography very well at all.
As Douglas Adams said, "space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." 5600 satellites, each with the mass of about two cars, is nothing when compared with the nearly two hundred million square miles of planet they orbit. Granted, space junk is a growing concern that should be acknowledged. But in 2008 it should register a solid zero on the things-we-ought-to-be-seriously-concerned-about scale. And that image is downright laughable.
I'm sorry, but if he's been attacked (repeatedly) by vandals and arsonists, he has every right to defend his property. What in the world are the police going to prosecute him for? Getting lobbed with crap and railroad ties is an unusual but effective deterrent. Or should we expect the guy to roll over and let the crooks ransack his place again?