Did anyone see the Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed picture (and this is not a concert picture either, but them sitting on the couch with her dog - at home, at someone's couch)! And there is one in there of Richard Stallman (RMS) sitting in front of a yert or something... I wonder how those got in there.
Will the guy pull a picture or a set of pictures if someone ask him to do so, I wonder?
Yay! We love our Baton Bob! He rocks! Of course, the original "local character" is Emperor Norton of San Francisco!
GTstiggy: I've noticed a lack of Bob lately as well... do you know Dangerwoman, btw? She's a local character, too, but I'm unsure if she's well known outside the gaming/fandom community.
Some nice tips for saving gas was posted.... That's helpful.
I'm not sure what our breaking point is (we are close to $4 where we are...). I think at some point it will get to $10, especially if we elect McCain, and he up and invades Iran (or Bush does it before he leaves office).
But perhaps if gas keeps going up like this, we will all start making enough noise for alternatives to be seriously looked at (not ethanol based on a food product however... that I think is proving a bad solution). This might be a silver lining, environmentally, politically, and economically.
I had the same problem with Blair Witch Project and there was this movie about the war in Afghanistan that we rented where I also got ill. We rarely go to the movies any more, but if we rent this, I'll keep it in mind. I am glad to know that I was not the only one who had these problems.
I have not tried the sea-bands, but I heard that ginger pills work as well as Dramamine without the side effects (makes me very sleepy).
FYI- Andrew Sullivan, who is a big Obama supporter, shows that Obama actually got one more delegate than Clinton got in NH, and as that is what matters, he technically won: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2008/01/obama-actually.html
That being said, Hilary has a total of 183 vs Obama's 78 as she has more Superdelegates, which are handed out in some way outside the caucus/primary system- if anyone understands how they arrive at the number of superdelegates promised and if that # can be changed, let me know. I think this will come down to the wire on the democratic side, frankly. Delegates score card is up at CNN:
Will the guy pull a picture or a set of pictures if someone ask him to do so, I wonder?
GTstiggy: I've noticed a lack of Bob lately as well... do you know Dangerwoman, btw? She's a local character, too, but I'm unsure if she's well known outside the gaming/fandom community.
I'm not sure what our breaking point is (we are close to $4 where we are...). I think at some point it will get to $10, especially if we elect McCain, and he up and invades Iran (or Bush does it before he leaves office).
But perhaps if gas keeps going up like this, we will all start making enough noise for alternatives to be seriously looked at (not ethanol based on a food product however... that I think is proving a bad solution). This might be a silver lining, environmentally, politically, and economically.
I have not tried the sea-bands, but I heard that ginger pills work as well as Dramamine without the side effects (makes me very sleepy).
That being said, Hilary has a total of 183 vs Obama's 78 as she has more Superdelegates, which are handed out in some way outside the caucus/primary system- if anyone understands how they arrive at the number of superdelegates promised and if that # can be changed, let me know. I think this will come down to the wire on the democratic side, frankly. Delegates score card is up at CNN: