1 out of six men are color blind with red/green deficiency.
You would think that after 30 years of video games you idiots would figure out that you are eliminating almost 10% of your potential customer RIGHT OFF THE BAT!!!
I have recently found out that my landlord has let the water problem we have go for 40 years!! I encountered an elderly woman who told me she had the same problem 40 years ago when she rented my same place.
When i confronted him with this HE threatened to call the Board of Health on our small business.
Maybe there is a good reason this person is refusing to pay.
PS I was born there and knew everything on the list EXCEPT the salt mines. i realized that there were a lot of salt mines in the upper peninsula of Michigan but i didn't know about the ones in Detroit.
Just effin fantastic what people without a soul will create.
May Dante invent a new level of Hell for them.
....I want my dog back!!
1 out of six men are color blind with red/green deficiency.
You would think that after 30 years of video games you idiots would figure out that you are eliminating almost 10% of your potential customer RIGHT OFF THE BAT!!!
TANG baby, It's all about the TANG.
When i confronted him with this HE threatened to call the Board of Health on our small business.
Maybe there is a good reason this person is refusing to pay.