Luci's Comments

My Granddad had one of these trees! I think he had to transplant it once, and I don't know if it survived. Granddad has always been a tree enthusiast, having as many different species in his yard as he could get to grow in the Ohio climate (I think he tried an orange tree once, that didn't work out so well). Why not have one that went to the moon? :)
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I was wondering if anyone would mention KSU. The campus is literally crawling with black squirrels! I love seeing them, as they are relatively rare in Akron where I live. It's weird considering the short distance between the two cities, but I pretty much only see them in Kent.
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Getting caught up on posts, obviously I'm way behind. Library school is keeping me from my feed reader. John, did you go to library school at Kent?? I just started there in January. :)
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Geekazoid kindof said what I was trying to say, only better, thanks. I don't really care about winning a prize either, but I do think it'd be fun to get one for the right reasons. Prizes should be a nice side-effect of contributing, not something people actively strive for.
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I like the concept of the Queue, but there are just way too many posts. I can't keep up with Neatorama anymore, and I often end up reading posts days, even weeks after they've appeared on the site. I don't comment often, but if I feel I have something to contribute to the comments on a post that was added weeks ago it seems kindof pointless. I've also found myself skipping a lot more posts, whereas before the existence of the Queue I read almost everything.

As for the whole iPod thing, I think it's great to reward contributors, but I feel that it works better when we don't know what the prize is, or even when we're going to be rewarded. It would appear to me that people are posting as much as they can, regardless of whether it's really relevant or "neat" just to win the prize, and it's kindof annoying. It makes it less of a reward and more of a contest. I myself have submitted a couple of posts to the Queue, but it was because I found them interesting and wanted to share, not because I wanted the prize. I think it is a problem when those who are posting to win take away any chance that might have existed for those who are posting to share. For me, it kindof goes against the spirit of what Neatorama is. Or was.
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I like that this was the one you featured. "Helltown" is 20 minutes from my house. :)

@sw - Check out this website for some answers.
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Oh! And how could I forget Covered Bridge Pizza?

The former Forman Road Covered Bridge is now part of two Covered Bridge Pizza restaurants in North Kingsville and Andover. The bridge was sold for $5.00, cut in half, dismantled, and rebuilt as the two restaurants.
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