Trouble with "standardised" spelling is it take no account of accent. My son says tooth with a long oo, kids in his school mostly say tuth with a short u like put. He says clothes, they say clowers. He says shoes, they say shoowers. How could you standardise that?
Most are dumb, but the one on the Bobcat loader-thing seemed very sensible - doing it wrong would be easy, seem sensible and be dangerous. Perfect conditions for a warning label, I'd say.
In what way is it hermaphrodite? My ten year old son's got hair half way down his back (he gets teased at school, but only by the girls - I think they're jealous), but trust me, he's all boy.
Our local play group and our nursery all had dolls with all the bits - the kids just took it in their stride. It's not as if it's any great surprise to a child!
I've always wanted to run a singles bar for Lost Socks. I'd called it Tootsies. You'd arrive with a sock and work your way through a decision tree (with possibly a drink at each table); plain/patterned, stripes/spots/pictures etc until you arrived at a table with socks of your sort.
I just wonder whether the spotted base-bit is actually /meant/ to look like Davros, the originator of the Daleks, or whether it's just serendipitous.
We dry outdoors when we can, indoors on a pulley-thing like this only a fifth of the price, when it's wet or too cold. To get a good breeze we've a desk fan screwed upside down to the ceiling. Dries a full load of washing in about two hours at 15 Watts.
Our local play group and our nursery all had dolls with all the bits - the kids just took it in their stride. It's not as if it's any great surprise to a child!
It's pretty, but a sliding divider with wedges or similar would do the job a lot better.
only a fifth of the price, when it's wet or too cold.
To get a good breeze we've a desk fan screwed upside down to the ceiling. Dries a full load of washing in about two hours at 15 Watts.
Banning outdoor drying is for snobs.