I've often thought we should allow everyone to use playgrounds instead of telling kids they're "Too old". I know sometimes teenagers will behave badly and not share etc, but simply banning them isn't really a sensible way to proceed.
In Telford we have a very large "Town Park" which has a huge play area which supposedly has age ratings for the various sectors. However, I've noticed that unless they're causing a nuisance, almost anyone of any age is tolerated by the staff. It works, too. Lots of fun is had by all with very little hassle.
I wonder whether it's China's pollution (which is undoubted) or just because China's so large that there's a larger pool of event from which to draw weird examples.
And the teething one. When you think about it, teething isn't best done on a lovely smooth soft teething ring. The kid's trying to tear a hole in its flesh to allow the teeth to come through - both ours used old spare-rib bones. Sharp at one end, rough at the other and still mildly tasty. Perfect. Just wish they hadn't shared them with the cat.
During the summer my son was walking home from school wearing a large oaken sword, an oak dagger and a very nice curved laminated shield with a dragon on it. There were a couple of coppers on the street corner and they were most impressed and showed no interest in "control" - just pleased to see a small boy with things he'd made.
You'll find this is a local bit of silliness and unlikely to be repeated elsewhere.
Our cats don't wander off - in fact, the way all our cats have arrived over the years is that they've wandered /in/. The oldest is twenty in a few weeks (we think - we've had her 18 years) and she only goes out under hydraulic pressure these days anyway. Why anyone would amputate the last joint of an animal's fingers is beyond me. If the cat prefers being somewhere else, then somewhere else is where it belongs.
From time to time a child gets killed here in the UK. The owners of the dog always seem amazed - but by then it's a bit late.
They're mostly chavs, too. It's an image thing - having large nasty dogs with bad attitudes to match those of the owners. Unfortunately breed specific legislation doesn't seem to have worked here as there are so few breeds on the list.
A neighbour, whose typing and spelling were truly execrable, used to say that she only put errors in so she could be sure picky sods like me had read it.
In Telford we have a very large "Town Park" which has a huge play area which supposedly has age ratings for the various sectors. However, I've noticed that unless they're causing a nuisance, almost anyone of any age is tolerated by the staff. It works, too. Lots of fun is had by all with very little hassle.
Just wish they hadn't shared them with the cat.
You'll find this is a local bit of silliness and unlikely to be repeated elsewhere.
Why anyone would amputate the last joint of an animal's fingers is beyond me. If the cat prefers being somewhere else, then somewhere else is where it belongs.
Actually, I'm a non-believer these days.
They're mostly chavs, too. It's an image thing - having large nasty dogs with bad attitudes to match those of the owners. Unfortunately breed specific legislation doesn't seem to have worked here as there are so few breeds on the list.