Skipweasel 1's Comments

The electric vehicles currently (!) avaialble completely miss the point. What's needed is a microvan thing with three rows of double seats, the rear two rows removable. Top speed of perhaps 50mph, range of maybe 60 miles. That'd be ideal for the school run, taking the dog to the vet, the tree to the recycling, getting the shopping and all the ordinary run-around tasks that big fuel hungry vehicles are used for now.
Manufacturers think we all want sports-car speeds and huge ranges to replace an existing hydrocarbon car. We don't, we want a second car - a utility vehicle that costs pennies a week in energy.
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This seems backwards. I'd have thought that the reason behind the low prices in America is that it's not in short supply rather than that the DEA's efforts are making it hard.
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Discouraging the trivia sections leads to some very clumsy writing where authors have shoehorned in something that belonged in the very worthwhile trivia sections.
Long live trivia!
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The maternity unit where we had our first had several expectant mums knitting wooly uteruses (uteri?) for the midwives to use in antenatal classes. Why they chose bubblegum pink though, I shall never know.
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Not wishing to be seen leaping to his defense, but remember he's in the public eye all the time - think of all the times he's managed to bite his tongue and /not/ say something crass!
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It's not the wire ones that are the problem, it's the plastic sort. I leave them at the shop. We have little use for hangers here - the whole house works on the "One pile for everything, everything in the pile" system.
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Don't know about everyone else, but my kids go to school, but /also/ get a considerable amount of home schooling. They both learned to read and count before they got to school, and I spend plenty of time teaching them things that the school either doesn't do very well, or which aren't in the curriculum.

Home vs School? Do both!
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The Ironbridge reflection doesn't always make a perfect circle - a few weeks ago the Severn was almost up to the white cottage in the upper photo, and that wasn't the highest I've seen it.
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