If there's sun, shove a stick in the ground, and point it directly at the sun so there is no shadow. Now wait until there is a shadow, and it will point directly east.
As is typical, the gun-grabbers cite gun suicides, while pretending that no other form of suicide exist. As usual, the gun-grabbers lie because the truth proves them wrong.
Real scientists who have researched suicide have found that the only thing that really matters is whether or not the person is serious in their intent. When guns are not available, they *will* choose another method, and there are several that are just as effective. Pills, of various sorts, are commonly available, as is carbon monoxide, and jumping from heights. Does committing suicide with a gun somehow make you more dead than a 20 story fall? Or do guns emit evil mind control rays that force otherwise normal people to commit suicide?
According to one study, as many as one in six police involved shootings are deliberate suicide - "suicide by cop" - and that included only deaths where the victim left some kind of suicide note - "I'm going to force the cops to kill me."
It's telling that gun-grabbers insist on talking about *gun* deaths, but not total death rates, especially when comparing other countries. It's like they think that being murdered with a gun somehow makes you more dead than being murdered in some other way.
Since since is based on survey data, it is measuring teh drivers' perception of their driving, not their actual driving. And there is a lot of research that indicates that people drive at a certain level of perceived danger - as cars get safer, people take more chances while driving. Since those who play games *think* they are driving more dangerously, they are probably, actually, driving more safely. The fact that those who play games regularly are more likely to pass their driving test on the first try supports this.
This looks like the typical BS sort of fake science done by the hysterical reactionaries who want to ban computer gaming (and, in previous generations, long hair, alcohol, and dancing), not because it is harmful, but because they don't like it.
Real scientists who have researched suicide have found that the only thing that really matters is whether or not the person is serious in their intent. When guns are not available, they *will* choose another method, and there are several that are just as effective. Pills, of various sorts, are commonly available, as is carbon monoxide, and jumping from heights. Does committing suicide with a gun somehow make you more dead than a 20 story fall? Or do guns emit evil mind control rays that force otherwise normal people to commit suicide?
According to one study, as many as one in six police involved shootings are deliberate suicide - "suicide by cop" - and that included only deaths where the victim left some kind of suicide note - "I'm going to force the cops to kill me."
This looks like the typical BS sort of fake science done by the hysterical reactionaries who want to ban computer gaming (and, in previous generations, long hair, alcohol, and dancing), not because it is harmful, but because they don't like it.