The great hulking American Neanderthal, spawn of only 200 years of force feeding by capitalists, corporatists, for exploitation of America's easiest riches finds himself in “unemployables” lines, and the soup kitchens of the land, Tent Cities, Hoovervilles, Shanty Towns and Tar paper Shacks at Cities outskirts, even bused their by the Uber-Rich of New York City, with free one way bus fares out of the City for their convenience! Time is so slowing down! Reversing even! These poor rejects, delisted, disenfranchised from medical care of any kind are treated as prehistoric, less than human, undesirables, untouchables even, in the great American society of plenty? Have we been suddenly thrust into the days of British rule, before the constitution, by some quirk of fate? Do we ride a teseret in time, and has it undulated? how can this be so, in America? Only time-shift can explain!
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