striatic 1's Comments

"Would you like to be in a combat zone with someone who can’t even handle being yelled at?"

no. but you're assuming that the only way to make someone able to handle being yelled at is to yell at them.

and what do you mean by "handle"? do you mean shut out and repress? do you mean tolerate and respond?

there are many ways to "handle" yelling/adversity and i want to be sure that recruits are learning the right way.

a mushy, soft army isn't desirable but i'm not sure that an overly macho, tough for toughness sake army is either. i think what they're looking for is professional and unrelenting.
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agree with TimO. this is dumb.

american nuclear subs have been "schooled" of late in war games by quieter diesel-electric subs from foreign nations.

if a supercavitating sub can travel this fast, a supercavitating torpedo is going to be able to go faster and be launched from a super quiet and relatively cheap electric boat.

whizbang for sure, but militarily useless.
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remember that this is "most trusted", rather than "best".

i'd say that i trust stewart more than williams, because he is more free to speak his mind given the format of the show.

but that doesn't mean i think stewart provides the most accurate information on a consistent basis, just that he wears his bias on his sleeve.

the network anchors on this list are both less trustworthy [somewhat] *and* less biased than jon stewart. they are better newscasters.

cable news anchors - on the other hand - from msnbc, cnn and fox alike, are almost universally horrible. they are way less trustworthy than anyone on this list, and far more biased [in my opinion].
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