MikeB 4's Comments

One of the lines from the book is that 'mommy will come back looking different and prettier.' I don't have anything against people having cosmetic surgery and I do understand how a woman's body is massively altered by pregnancy. But I dislike the messages the book transmits: pretty on the outside is more important; mommy isn't as pretty was she was before YOU arrived; daddys don't need cosmetic surgery.
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it goes with their ads for bravia, 'color like no other.' ostensibly, they've created a situation no one would believe, so you'd want to take shots of it.
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It's Kurt Browning's 'Gotta Skate' (I don't know which one). When the guys are done, their girlfriends/wives come out. The person at the beginning is Jamie Sale, from 2002 Olympics. Her husband, David Peltiere, is one of the skaters.
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As someone who commutes 150 kms every day, I believe this research - however obvious it seems - is useful. When were drive on straight areas, it doesn't matter if there is 10 cars or 100 cars: the flow of traffic remains constant. If you throw in a distraction like police lights on the opposite side, or a change in the road like a sudden curve (even a slight one), the affect of a single person braking radically alters the speed of each successive car. The flow moves like boa, stretching until it hits a bend and than contracting until it makes it around the bend. One panicky, brake-happy driver on an unfamiliar road can drop my speed from 100 km to 70 km in seconds - and thus, every car behind and beside me; add to that the lane changers, who double the volume of fast lanes in seconds, and you have massive slow-downs with or without more cars.
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A long time friend of my father, Howard Terpning, did many of those posters including Sound of Music and GwtW. You can see his work here:


Some of the posters (inc GwtW) are from re-releases over the years.
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This is now being investigated in Ontario:


(the only online source; it was on 2 radio stations this morning)
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'impact': it's a NOUN so unless you're a COLON or a MOLAR you can't be impacted!

and you can't 'pre-reserve'!

or 'pre-order'!

the worst buzzword? any word with the letter 'e' in front of it - which by now is *every* word!
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