skidworth 2's Comments

"The Stuff White People Like crowd have suddenly discovered frugality - and they think they’re the first to have ever been cheap.

My people have been doing it for millennia, out of necessity, not trendiness."

right on, brother! i'm a white person who likes stuff that white people like and i represent the rural southern male who knows how to survive by raising livestock, gardening and hunting. frugality is our nature!
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"This dollar amount is about what a family of two in California will get in food stamps"

wow, is kalifornia getting ready to put their entire poulation on food stamps? or just certain "factions"?
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oh, how horrible! the homeowners were not prudent in taking on a loan they could never afford and now some horrible meany banker is throwing their stuff away. jeez, will it never end? my wife and i bought our house in 2004.....we bought what we could afford. i am NOT paying for those that bought above their means.....wreck their credit, hit them in the pocketbook but somehow make them ACCOUNTABLE. i am accountable for myself, not the neighbor. wake up, america.....use your head!!!!!! arrrrgh! (howard dean soundbite)
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beware will lead to a "nano inhalation hazard" whereas your body gets invaded by billions on nanobots hell bent on whatever their original task was when you inadvertently get exposed to them at a nanofactory. you heard it from ole Skidworth first....Nano Inhalation Hazard, the new asbestosis!
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some folks call it "mucking", it's been popular for years down here in the south, where we all are a bunch of dumb, inbred hicks. one thing we do know is how to survive. don't come asking for food when it hits the fan, ya liable to get shown a shotgun!
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change the picture of the turkeys. the arousal experiment was conducted on turkeys raised in turkeyhouses for consumption. the wild turkey (in the photo) is one of the smartest beasts in the wild. the domestic turkey is the one dumb enough to drown in the rain. get your facts straight you liberal chump!
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where are these malls with no shoppers? my daughter and i went to the mall this weekend, we could hardly get a parking space and traffic was backed up going into the mall. this was columbiana center in columbia, sc. i don't see the missing shoppers. where are they?
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it could possibly be a case of taking a picture and recording the video of each note being played and letting a MIDI sequencer put it together. now that is neatorama.
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"She’s Brilliant!! She should have been Vice President at least. It’s all about Change!!! Change this crap! We bailed out these @$$holes and they give out bonuses for people who consistently SCREW UP! I swear this is one of the smartest if only the smartest politician ever! And to the people reading this who are scared, this isn’t communism. You obviously did not make above 400,000 dollars this year. My taxes went to these creeps! I want revenge! Read what the Senator said, and this time pay attention, if a company receives MY MONEY, AND YOUR MONEY to bailout their FAILURE, they should have their @$$es owned by ME, YOU, and the FED!"

no, i didn't make 400K last year...did you? I pay taxes as well. you sure have bought into the "class envy" being pushed by your overlords. do some research.
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i don't think it is up to the government to cap salaries.....first step of a socialist society. the individual business entity should govern salaries. i agree with the dislike for exorbitant salaries as no one human is worth that sort of compensation no matter what. in essence, you are asking the government to cure the ills of society (greed). what next, cameras watching your every move?
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