skidworth 2's Comments

"Furui na no yo! C’mon, this is two years old, and was probably featured by you guys back then!"

yep, was here about three years ago if i remember correctly. maybe two and a half, i was working for westinghouse at the time, that was late 06/early 07
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i grew up about 20 miles from South of the Border. it is interesting to note that mr. schaefer also owns a beer distributing business, hence his start into business with a bar. NC was dry and it led to some rowdy border towns in SC such as Dillon and McColl (my little home) that were a mere thirty minute drive from Fort Bragg in Fayettville. the bars just south of the NC/SC border came with colorful names such as the Boondocks, the Mystic Eye and the Bloody Bucket.
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sadly, the value of the cameras pictured amounts to five dollars per truckload, delivered. the fifties thru the sixties was a wonderland of bakelite. who cares if the old brownie cameras have no value, they are still way cool art deco reminders of our past ecological transgressions!
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"If you’re a white, male Christian, then your odds of suffering illegal treatment from the U.S government is much lower, but it is never ZERO"

how do you figure i have the cards stacked in my favor? i've yet to get a break for anything because i'm a white male. that is what we, the silent majority...teabaggers....whatever you want to call us....are mad about. the misconception that because we are white males we have the world at our hand. there is NOTHING remotely true in that, as i stated i'm still waiting on that honky magic to kick in.
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pers...i have to disagree. i will not allow myself to get even remotely close to a situation that could get me on the wrong side of the law. the only way i could ever be tortured is to be captured wrongly by my government and i would rather die than to be passive enough to be tortured. it is called "patriotism", something every one seems to have forgotten. it is all about the individual now, which shall be the downfall of society.
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"Would you like to be water boarded and be put in a state of “simulated drowning” to get an idea of how torture is defined? The whole idea of torture isn’t about the wellbeing of the torture victim, physical wounds heal, but mental scars last until your dead or work it out in therapy. It’s all about extracting information, and what’s done with the meat afterwards isn’t important. That’s what torture is."

see, this is how it gets taken out of context. as i said before, you know when you screwed up, you know the consequences. the probability for me being tortured EVER is exactly 0%. that is a fact, jack.
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perhaps it is because the Christians are fed up with the persecution and they represent a more conservative base of people that know the truth of the matter. it has happened forever and shall still happen. i don't know about you, but the simple fact that I don't want to be waterboarded or whatever is a major deterrent from executing whatever crime that could bring about such treatment. when that person knowingly commits the crime, either by direct action or by association, they knowingly made a choice that will void them of any future rights if caught.
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