Tilas 1's Comments

This is my first sale, and I bought 2 boxes I'm waiting to get. I've read all the comments from all the sales however, and I've noticed that almost everyone who ordered 1 box got the same prize, and people who ordered multiple boxes got something different. There's not a lot of "randomness" or "mystery" it when you look at the pattern in the shipments. Here's what I've seen so far:
1 Box ordered = Turkey
2 Boxes = Turkey + Virus Plush OR Bacon
3 Boxes = Turkey + Plush + Bacon
And so on. So I think I already know I'll be getting a Turkey and a plushie! But meh, I can't complain, I've wasted more money then this on junk food. :P I just think Neatorama should look into how they ship and make it more random by adding a LOT more variety. I think the biggest complaint I'm seeing is that it's not the fact people are getting the turkey... it's the fact EVERYONE is getting the SAME item. There's no mystery when you can tell exactly what you'll be getting from reading the comments! :) Either way, I'll probably try again, I'm a sucker for silly items.
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Man you people are WAY too easily riled up. I found that video funny as hell, and had to watch it twice cause I was laughing so hard.

Believe me, the squirrell is fine. I've seen them go through far worse. Probably just got one heck of a shocker thats all. They're tough little buggers, it takes a lot to hurt them. I've seen them leap outa trees and drop thirty feet to the ground, land, and keep on running, unharmed. Relax people.

To all you people saying you're going to "leave" Neatorama cause of this, get over yourselves, you're not fooling anyone. You'll be back. :P
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  • Member Since 2012/08/09



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