That is way awesome! Reminds me of the guy who used to make a steel guitar talk, I think it was on Ed sullivan or something! This is way cooler tho, no effects, just the polyphany of the piano.
The tip of the patented Industrial Spaghetti Twirling Fork. Designed so the twirles bolus of pasta does not slide off the end, staining ties and shirts.
Get on the monorail and ride to the hotel (the one that the train goes right through?). Can't remember the name of it. So dump the kids on your wife (the parade is a good time) and ride on over for a quick brewski or 2. Makes Dad's day a little more relaxin'.
Well, gee! I guess STD's are good for us too. If we were all upstanding, moral ecologists this would't have happened. The wages of sin, my friends!!!! The folks who like to tell others how they should live just love to rub our faces in things like this.
Not saying they're all wrong, just a little too gleefully moralistic.
Guess I'll just be content with being good to mediocre at a bunch of things, including music!
Get on the monorail and ride to the hotel (the one that the train goes right through?). Can't remember the name of it. So dump the kids on your wife (the parade is a good time) and ride on over for a quick brewski or 2. Makes Dad's day a little more relaxin'.
The folks who like to tell others how they should live just love to rub our faces in things like this.
Not saying they're all wrong, just a little too gleefully moralistic.