My son has a daushound that I've never actually seen awake. When he takes it for walks, he carried it's sleeping form to it's favorite pee spots, it pees, and then leaps into his arms to be carried back to it's bed, asleep again almost instantly.
I'm glad this guys out of jail, but he's never going to feel good about himself until he finds out what happened to the translator. Being an American helped him just as much as Twitter did in this situation.
I've been thinking of trying to grow and apple tree up the side of the house. I've read that you can train them to be flat, growing out wide, but with no roundness.
Why in the world did the grilled cheese wedding cake have a statuette of the Virgin Mary on top? Was she wedding someone that day? I'm sure Joesph is going to be upset.
Scientists in Antarctica occasionally drill down into the ice cores and serve snow cones and drinks made with million year old ice. All that, and they get paid to be there, too.
Well, that's surely going to cut down on the murder rate. It does my heart good to see a public official using his influence to find and implement practical solutions to difficult problems. I bet when all of the murders in the city see all those priests wearing these sackcloths, they will put down their knives, guns, hacksaws, sharpened tooth brushes and drain fluid because they will finally understand that the city would like them to stop murdering.
They may have taken this far, far too seriously. What happened to peoples ability to take a joke, to allow themselves to be the foil on occasion. It happens to every one once in a while, and the person who plays along is usually much better liked than the whiner.
Keep going!
Thats what I thought. Seems more like they'd be sewn into the lining of coats than sent through the mail.
I think Sean may speak a little above you, so I've translated so that you can understand:
You're a dumbass, go kill your self.
Hope that helps!