Mattie 1's Comments

There is no way in hell that woman deserves 7.7 million TAX DOLLARS. She should get money for lost wages and a bit of restitution. Even 1 million dollars is excessive.

And who's to say which story is correct? Were there other witnesses to the situation? If there weren't than it is complete he said/she said and there's no reason to believe the nurse over the cop and vice versa. The article was horribly biased against the cops, as well.

Poo poo on bad journalism!
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I remember reading her diary in 6th grade and hating it even then. I understand that it gives an interesting look into what it was like to be locked away and hiding from the Nazis, but just the same it was here DIARY. It had a lot of private thoughts in there about her period, touching another girl's breasts, etc. I felt very guilty reading it.

I think that reading her diary was an invasion of privacy and her father could have done something other than publish his daughter's private life and thoughts for the world to read in order to commemorate her.
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...but Hillary and Barack's politics are near identical. Why do the dems have against Hillary? She seemed like a fine candidate and actually stated her stances on issues. All I've ever heard about Obama is that he wants change. What politician DOESN'T say s/he wants change? Who's platform is actually, "Hey, I'm just gonna keep the status quo going." I just don't get the vehemence with which people rail Hillary Clinton.

Especially since I'm willing to bet most of the people who are so vocal about it can't tell me a single plank of Obama's platform.
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I'm not sure if I really trust the opinions of someone who isn't in the body mod/tattooing culture. You can't really tell me what is a "really stupid" tattoo is unless you actually know what a "really good" tattoo is.

I respect people for all of their body mod decisions, even if I don't understand them (like amputation and shaft splitting).
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Hmm. Did you know that teenage alcohol drinkers are more likely to get liver cirrhosis?

Also, a lot of teenage alcohol drinkers have reported symptoms that may indicate a risk psychosis, such as seeing things that are not there, erratic behavior and a lowered sense of risk.
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I wasn't aware so much art was happening in a hospital.

I hope no one actually PAYS to see this exhibit. You can go into the intensive care unit or the cancer wing of any hospital and see this "art."

There is beauty in death, that's for sure. But this guy just comes off as someone trying to make a profit out of a spectacle. It reminds me of that "artist" whose exhibit was letting a dog slowly die over several days. At least in this case he'll have a willing volunteer.
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Um. It looks as though she talked to these guys before she "threw" herself at them. If they had a bad back, I don't think they'd participate. Furthermore, how do you know she doesn't have a day job as well as doing her art?

You are the one who comes off as a judgmental imbecile.
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hmm. I think the idea is cool, but the execution is horrible. The photos don't look professional at all. Perhaps if she cut out herself and the receiver in each photo and made a collage of sorts, it'd be much better. As the photos look now, she just comes off as being a little too schnockered.

Although, I think the first two comments were unnecessarily harsh. Especially since they call her an ugly slut.
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I totally agree with the consensus here: Venture Bros. is awesome!

I also REALLY enjoy The Oblongs and hate the fact it only had one season. My very favorite (and I can't believe you listed Metalocalypse and not this one) is Home Movies. That is a perfect cartoon, if you ask me.
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Man...all those other large colliders out there are gonna be so jealous if this one makes the mini black hole that destroys Earth.

Oh wait, that's not going to happen and this whole thing is a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theorist b.s. *sigh*
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Mind you, this problem isn't limited to models. Women's shoes in general have NO tread whatsoever. Our shoes just don't grip the ground. It's terrible and I'm not even sure why it is that way. I buy a pair of women's boots and I get no tread. THEY'RE BOOTS FOR CHRISSAKE!

I do feel for these models. Oddly enough, a lot of them look to have weak ankles. Perhaps that also poses a problem...
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