Of course, like I said last time, not everyone has a lionheart. It's quite rare to find someone who would indeed try to rescue the lady, and although a lot of us here think that we would also have saved the woman, bear in mind the Historian's fallacy.
It probably should have been better if they had called the police AND helped the woman because honestly, what do they want to do while waiting for the police? Watch the woman suffer? It is quite sensible to call the police, but it's slightly cowardly to just stand in the safety of a booth while someone is in trouble.
I've read somewhere that the American gator is one of the most dangerous animals (Although I've no idea to what extent.). It is a living creature, though, and deserves to be treated fairly. Ha! Maybe they shouldn't've attached the jaws to make it less lethal, just fixed his skull. That was a joke.
But I figured, not everyone has a lionheart.