cobaltblaze's Comments

ha! anyone that submitted a deceptive picture (way to much makeup, more than one person) I over guessed by about 10 years on purpose :) want an honest opinion? submit an honest photo! Other than that, i was able to guess within average 3 years the real age :)
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ECA, I'm guessing your a Depot employee? I did paint dept myself for 2 1/2 years, and I couldn't believe the stuff i heard. "What side of the wooden stick do I use?" has to be up there in my favorites, though. I always loved explaining roller nap size, synthetic vs natural bristles, why this painters tape was better than that one, and watch them walk away with the cheapest stuff still. There's a reason its cheep people :) Then again, I did inventory for the department as well, and our employees may have been worse than the customers when it comes to putting stuff back where it goes :)
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jen. nice try, i'm still having chicken for dinner.

As adorable as this is, I hope that toothbrush was on its way to the garbage can after. Kittens are awesome, but filthy creatures.
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OK. thanks for the clarification. Was getting my info from my friend who is bi-polar, who described her teen years an being quite schizophrenic. I put them together because she and her dr did.
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EEM - Bi-polar is schizophrenia. Just a more accurate name for the unwashed masses.

As for seeing bi-polar symptoms earlier if the parents were older at conception, I'm gonna call BS on that. It all depends on brain chemistry, and when it changes during puberty. So unless dear old dad's genes are causing early puberty, there is no way to say that. I wonder if they are using date of DX or date of first symptoms.
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I dropped out of High School because of the pace. It was just way to slow. Never mind the annoyance of hearing the same questions asked 15 different ways. It is all in the way the brain processes information. I could answer hard math questions, but not tell the teacher how I got the answer. (I later realized I was working off of the laws of averages, and working backwards, but no one would work WITH me to figure out how I thought) Its starting to show in my my son as well, and I'm glad that I can be his mentor when I know the public schools are going to teach the same, boring, bland way when he gets to HS. With his ADHD, praising efforts is just as important as feeding him breakfast in the morning. He is a brilliant little boy, and I indulge him in that fact on occasion, but his best results always come from rewarding effort, not result.
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This is HUGE news in my area. According to mom, he has never hit anyone, and there are other kids who throw faster who have. General census is that this is local baseball politics, who wanted a different team to win the league series.

League Attorney on TV looks like a tool, too.
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and who leaves their child with someone who would be so inadequate in care? No one that obese could stop a 2 year old from hurting themselves or respond to a crisis. I think an inquiry into the parents is also necessary.
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