Its a shame that german justice is not willing to procecute german citizens because of their political historical background. Its a shame that their is in Germany no political will and readiness to attend cases whereby german citizens have a clear criminal background but an obscure relationship with german authorities. Its a shame that in the EEC it is still possible to withhold delivery of condemned persons to other natios of the comunity where procecution took place. Its a shame: Germany, and germans never learn. For instance a deep hurting issue which is symptomatic for the foregoing: Where did and still do most of the WWII criminals live freely without any type of procecution? Exactly, in Germany.
Its a shame that their is in Germany no political will and readiness to attend cases whereby german citizens have a clear criminal background but an obscure relationship with german authorities.
Its a shame that in the EEC it is still possible to withhold delivery of condemned persons to other natios of the comunity where procecution took place.
Its a shame: Germany, and germans never learn. For instance a deep hurting issue which is symptomatic for the foregoing: Where did and still do most of the WWII criminals live freely without any type of procecution? Exactly, in Germany.