travis's Comments

hmmm i am going to say it looks like a cigarette extinguisher....or a knob......but my stone-age idea was it is a piece of a fire-starter. a stick would fit through the hole and a rope of some kind would be wrapped around the stick and this doohickey. when you push down on the doodad the stick rotates quickly and winds itself back up allowing you to push it down again. causing the stick to spin again thus increasing friction between the stick and another piece of wood. and is easier to do than spinning the stick with your hands.........did that make sense?
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not having read a lot of sci fi but i would recommend c.o.l.a.r (colony of living robots)....i think that's what it was called i read it as a kid. and i remember i really liked it. :)
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not sure if i agree with the nuts being added after everything. i support the second amendment, does that make me a nut? i don't think so. and yes, that means i believe that people should be able to own guns. i also don't think that makes me a nut. i'm not crazy, the only guns i own are an 1861 springfield rifle and a reproduction 1853 enfield rifle from when i used to reenact the civil war. do i want an uzi, glock, m-16? not unless there is a zombie uprising...and how likely is that? although there are some weapons i have always wanted....more for a collection than any other reason.
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