Saywha 1's Comments


'Vietnam had a draft. This is an all volunteer army.
They are not doing it "so we don't have to". No one had to.'

So if no one had volunteered we just would have said "oh well, better luck next war!" Really?
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My hand is raised. I am 21...and I have NEVER drank. I don't plan to either. I know way too many people who've completely wasted opportunities because they put alcohol as their priority.

My mom could probably run a race with this "mean mom" and come in second (only because I don't see her making public announcements like this mom did). I thought my mom was trying to ruin my life on a regular basis....come to find out, she's the only thing that saved it. I always felt that I was being controlled, and in a way I was. But only to the extent that I now realize I needed it.

And just a sidenote, I never hated my mom. And I'm still only just now discovering that the reason my mom treated me the way she did is because she knew me well enough (loved me enough to get to know me that well) to know how to discipline me in a way that would not only keep me from doing things she didn't want me to be doing, but also that would make me realize WHY I shouldn't be doing those things...even if it took me a while.

And P.S. a good parent will NEVER be a friend, but they also ALWAYS back up discipline with plenty of love and support.
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Pudifoot, I disagree. I believe a man who only believes in God because he is afraid not to does NOT really believe in God.

A few of the comments here gave insights as to what you believed the future of this country might be like.

"Let it be a warning: with the United States of today being gradually overrun by Christian fundamentalist loonies, it’s only a matter of time before such attitudes become mainstream, and when that happens, you’re all done for.....I reckon that in less than 20 years from now, atheists in America will be discriminated against in more ways than this story from 1970 shows. I bet they won’t even be able to get a job."

"Unfortunately, with the way things are going in politics, it will probably be the first of many denials because of going against the Christian norm."

I believe this country is going in completely the OPPOSITE direction. Like that it won't be long before you aren't allowed to express your faith in any matter what it is, for fear of stepping on someone's toes.
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If the fact that this man is coming home from war spoils the moment for some people, then just focus on the bottom line. This video is about a man who is returning home to see his daughters after a long absence. Personally, I've seen several videos just like this one...and they never get old. Such precious moments and I cry every time.
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