Thomas 1's Comments
..."The country’s *president*, Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov?" This is Turkmenistan, so I believe the appropriate wording is either "ruthless dictator", or "autocratic freak".
Shouldn't we use the right phrase before these guys' regimes are toppled?
Shouldn't we use the right phrase before these guys' regimes are toppled?
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Yeah, expensive perhaps, but certainly not high quality glasses: the shape of a good glass of wine helps the odor of the wine being slowly released and inhaled before it is drunk.
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I've tried that while in New Zealand, and it is a lot less exciting than it looks. In fact, it turned out to be pretty boring after a minute or two because unexperienced "pilots" (like me and most others) simply rock back and forth as the steering is difficult.
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An elevator in a gym? Why, can't even people who work out walk?
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It IS beautiful; the lakes are full of fish (and snakes), and bathing is allowed in one, gorgeous and overcrowded spot.
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And let's mention that 20 minutes is a free paper, which doesn't exactly massively invest in long, detailed, and hard - facts investigative reports...
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Precision: at the bottom of the print are the letters LHOOQ; read in french,the letters sound like the sentence "elle a chaud au cul", literally meaning "her ass is hot", colloquially meaning "she is horny", in french slang.
That is dada, too.
That is dada, too.
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Not every celebrity is victim of a plot to protect the top notch!