(not to be racially slurring here) but don't a lot of people in that area of thw world wear that headdress thing and have beards? i dont see the resemblance.
i remember when we did this in chemistry. (we were studying gas pressure) we didn't use ketchup though... ours was all technical with a cut piece of tubing with a closed top and a bubble and a weight and ect, etc. this is much simpler. all my friends were entranced by it.
...you guys, as someone said in the previous post about this rabbit, the man's hand is about as big as his whole head. just something to think about. i don't believe this picture is real, or at least "untouched."
it looks like the girl just wanted to get her picture on the interwebs... and by "her" picture, i mean her chest's picture... seriously folks... kitties having puppies? i think not.
i would never let that thing crawl (?) on me.