We won't be discriminating Homo-sexuals any more, cos in the future we'd all be A-sexual, singular being with the capability to have both genders - PERMANENTLY.
We're all going to be worms, by definition. Well, OK, so no spontaneous sex-switching to propagate the species, but it's pretty damned close to it!
These are not Royal Marines, they are Engineers from the Army that seen the Royal Marines conduct beach landings and thought they could do the same. The Marines made them do the landing where they knew it was impossible...this is the result..
And -
that's how your schlong looks? THAT reminds you of your schlong?
I feel sorry for you - NOT!
Texas is relatively small compared to the entire East-half of the Pacific Ocean -
and you're forgetting one thing: DEPTH.
No more sex.
We won't be discriminating Homo-sexuals any more, cos in the future we'd all be A-sexual, singular being with the capability to have both genders - PERMANENTLY.
We're all going to be worms, by definition. Well, OK, so no spontaneous sex-switching to propagate the species, but it's pretty damned close to it!
They did say we're all made from mud anyways, eh?
You mean TROUSERS?
"Is this what's going to get me assassinated?"
i bet that really is true of people who go to starbucks.