made the rounds in October, I think it's generally funnier than this one, mainly because it's edgier. It's run by three asian tumblr users who seem to be very familiar with asian fathers with high expectations. My favorite is "Why you program in C++? You should program in A++."
I agree as well, I'd seen this video posted around the web without actually watching it and bothering to get outraged, and it seems like I saved myself some time. The gall in this is kind of ridiculous. Accusing students of cheating because they studied in one of the most effective manners possible...
A teacher in high school made the mistake of using an old AP test verbatim for the multiple choice part of a final exam. The moment I got the test, a friend and I exchanged looks, we'd studied old AP tests to get acquainted with the AP; we got perfect scores on the multiple choice!
Drew from has another webcomic, where he captions photos like this, and it just so happens that he used this photo back in March.
His caption: "On Thursday, US Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) spent three hours in the nude, breaking the ice in a frozen lake with an axe. When asked about the brutal ice attack, Rep. Paul's spokesman replied, "DON'T TREAD ON ME!" and hung up."
Actually, it's Drew, not David, and Natalie, of the two separate webcomics (Drew's) and (Natalie's (obviously.)) made the rounds in October, I think it's generally funnier than this one, mainly because it's edgier. It's run by three asian tumblr users who seem to be very familiar with asian fathers with high expectations. My favorite is "Why you program in C++? You should program in A++."
A teacher in high school made the mistake of using an old AP test verbatim for the multiple choice part of a final exam. The moment I got the test, a friend and I exchanged looks, we'd studied old AP tests to get acquainted with the AP; we got perfect scores on the multiple choice!
His caption: "On Thursday, US Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) spent three hours in the nude, breaking the ice in a frozen lake with an axe. When asked about the brutal ice attack, Rep. Paul's spokesman replied, "DON'T TREAD ON ME!" and hung up."