Blacknimbus 1's Comments

"Why’s the handle down when the toast is up?"

Because it's a Yugo. I doubt they make good toasters...they were terrible cars.

I knew someone owned used to start by itself on occasion.
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Well, it's a choice between two things (often many things) because that's the nature of science. Science attempts to classify and define the world around us.

Pluto has been know as a planet for a long time, but astronomers were unaware (theory not notwithstanding) of objects larger and of similar composition and orbit just beyond it. Science has to adapt to new facts...that's really all this is.
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The alternative was much, much worse. It was either downgrade Pluto, or add up to 13 other objects to the roster. It's still a special object, and will always will be. Just not a planet.
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Unless I'm mistaken, the basic tenet of Intelligent Design is that a Higher Being had a hand in the creation of the universe. Since this is pretty much a standard point for most religions, the message of this particular poster could be construed as saying that people who have faith in some Higher Being are all morons.

And being agnostic seems to leave open the possiblity that some sort of god actually did create the world. So it shouldn't be a point of contention for you. Now if you'd like to declare yourself atheist, then perhaps you'd have a dog in this fight. But being atheist requires a sort of faith as well...something that agnostics by definition don't have.
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