whitcwa's Comments

I am glad to see Hank's excellent SciShow get a mention, but please note it is not a "SciFiShow". Hank's bro, John, is the fiction writer of the family.
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First, Segways do not use gyros as stabilizers. They may use little ones as sensors. They are stabilized by applying torque through the wheel motors.
I hope Lit succeeds, but I think their claims are inflated higher than their tires. They say the C-1 will always remain upright even when T-boned by a car. I doubt that, and remaining upright at that point is the least of your worries. Sudden deceleration is what injures bodies. Their fiberglass housing will provide little protection and airbags help only if they are anchored to something substantial. The Lit site shows no evidence of a full-scale working gyro stabilization system. But motorcycles have been around for many years and staying upright is not a problem, any more than it is for a bicycle. The problem which needs to be solved is collision avoidance. For that to succeed I think all vehicles will have to be designed to interact with each other and determine the best course of action for all vehicles nearby. Imagine a busy intersection with no traffic lights, just smart vehicles sharing the road.
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I imagine his union protects him. Public safety unions have negotiated some outrageous deals because no politician wants to seem to be against police and firefighters. I am not anti-union. I am actually a union member myself.
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As a young Air Force enlisted man I went into a KFC in the P.I. in the '70s. I was the only customer. The host seated me at a nice table with crystal and immaculate linens. The band got up and started playing. The waiter came over with the menu and took my cocktail order. The surreal nature of this continued when I ordered a two piece combination with cole slaw and mashed potatoes. It tasted exactly like the KFCs from home (Maryland).
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I tip 20 percent (less if the service was bad), but I would like to abolish all tipping. Pay the workers what they are worth, and end the tax dodging. A mandatory tip is a service charge, and they should have paid it, but the restaurant should not have locked them in.
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The regular overhauls they undergo ensure their safety. They could keep them flying for a hundred years if they wanted to. Any part can be replaced for a tiny fraction of the cost of a new plane. I used to work at Kelly AFB (now closed) where they were overhauled and never tired of watching them taking off and landing.
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An incredible accomplishment. At the first portage I probably would have turned around. People were a lot tougher then.

Also, Alexander Mackenzie crossed Canada over 10 years before Lewis and Clark. His story is equally amazing.
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I'm not a rocket scientist, but it seems fairly simple to do this. The rocket is launched (probably with compressed air) relatively slowly into the water. After it drifts far enough away the rocket is fired. The reasons for doing it this way would include not having to build a heavy launching platform, and keeping the rocket blast away from the ship and crew.
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