Kate D's Comments
@Orn: Singapore is a city-state. It's a city AND a sovereign nation! Pretty cool, eh?
@Gauldar: He said "black leader", nothing about elections. Plus, most of our political system, including several Prime Ministers, have been unelected.
@Gauldar: He said "black leader", nothing about elections. Plus, most of our political system, including several Prime Ministers, have been unelected.
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Black leader: Governor General Michaelle Jean (http://nimg.sulekha.com/Others/original700/barack-obama-michaelle-jean-2009-2-19-12-3-11.jpg)
Latino Organization: Canadian Hispanic Congress (http://canadianhispaniccongress.ca)
Bonus: The GG before Michaelle Jean was Chinese.
We've also had a female Prime Minister (mind you, it was Kim Campbell, but still).
Black leader: Governor General Michaelle Jean (http://nimg.sulekha.com/Others/original700/barack-obama-michaelle-jean-2009-2-19-12-3-11.jpg)
Latino Organization: Canadian Hispanic Congress (http://canadianhispaniccongress.ca)
Bonus: The GG before Michaelle Jean was Chinese.
We've also had a female Prime Minister (mind you, it was Kim Campbell, but still).
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Why yes, it IS awesome in Canada.
The only problem with most of the top countries is that booze is so expensive (especially Sweden!)
The only problem with most of the top countries is that booze is so expensive (especially Sweden!)
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@Neil: Breathe, dude.
My implied question was really if and how many books are banned in Western countries outside the US? Is the US unique in its paranoia about reading materials?
My implied question was really if and how many books are banned in Western countries outside the US? Is the US unique in its paranoia about reading materials?
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Is the map just of the USA, or is it that Canadians are more sensible?
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The Wooly chair is cute, in a terrifying kind of way...
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I wonder what archaeologists in 2000 years are going to think?
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That reminds me, gotta go pick up some steaks.
Buddy looks like he should hit the gym. Look at the marbling!
Buddy looks like he should hit the gym. Look at the marbling!
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I was just at the Dancing Buildings (#6) in Prague a few weeks ago! The locals call it the Fred and Ginger Building. There's a decent restaurant with a great view of Prague Castle on the roof of Ginger.
I think the upside-down church (#1) has been moved from Vancouver to Calgary.
Unfortunately, the House Attack (#20) on the Leopold Museum in Vienna must have been temporary, it wasn't there two weeks ago.
I'm surprised the Building of Slovak Radio in Bratislava isn't on this list! It's an immense brutalist upside-down pyramid. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_of_Slovak_radio
I think the upside-down church (#1) has been moved from Vancouver to Calgary.
Unfortunately, the House Attack (#20) on the Leopold Museum in Vienna must have been temporary, it wasn't there two weeks ago.
I'm surprised the Building of Slovak Radio in Bratislava isn't on this list! It's an immense brutalist upside-down pyramid. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Building_of_Slovak_radio
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Cursive does look more elegant, but it takes me slightly longer to write in it, so for note-taking I print. However, whenever I write in French, I always use cursive, never print. Maybe a more elegant script for a more elegant language?
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We had a carrot-based flash mob here in Halifax, Canada. We went to all the grocery stores in town and bought as many carrots as we could. Most of it went to a homeless shelter, though they stopped accepting carrots after the first ton or so. I know I ended up having carrot soup for weeks!
We had a carrot-based flash mob here in Halifax, Canada. We went to all the grocery stores in town and bought as many carrots as we could. Most of it went to a homeless shelter, though they stopped accepting carrots after the first ton or so. I know I ended up having carrot soup for weeks!
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I feel the article fails to address a very important aspect of the Mini T. Rex; are they or are they not absolutely adorable?
I vote they are. :D
I vote they are. :D
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Maybe if we stop calling it a 'Hitler Moustache'...
Chaplin Moustache, perhaps?
Chaplin Moustache, perhaps?
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Great timing too!
Jill, you're taking this far too seriously. Plus, this vid should only really make the guys cringe.
Jill, you're taking this far too seriously. Plus, this vid should only really make the guys cringe.
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While not astronomical, there's also a clock in the Jewish quarter of Prague that's in Hebrew and runs counter-clockwise!