This was brilliant. If you cannot appreciate these moments in time, then you are missing out on the major journey that is life. Life is not the end results, for if it was, it would simply be death. Life is all those little in betweens, which is what was captured here.
Imagine you had never experienced this world, that you were in some sort of experience-less purgatory, where you knew words and ideas, but you had no concept of what the world was really like, and for one instance in your existence, you were allowed one glimpse of what life was, but it would only last for 257 seconds. Your entire existence wondering, waiting, and now you have only 257 seconds to see it.
Imagine you had never experienced this world, that you were in some sort of experience-less purgatory, where you knew words and ideas, but you had no concept of what the world was really like, and for one instance in your existence, you were allowed one glimpse of what life was, but it would only last for 257 seconds. Your entire existence wondering, waiting, and now you have only 257 seconds to see it.
That is what I see in this video.