wow. there is so much animosity on this comment thread! its just wings people! jebus. and i didnt think this guy sounded snotty at all, he's just helpin people out. RELAX. save your anger for some post about global warming or something... sheesh.
this article gave me chills. of excitement! i would absolutely love to go to mars on a one way ticket. i have a girlfriend, family, friends, but if i had the chance to explore ANOTHER PLANET?? i'd do it. no questions asked. i'm there.
Yes! National Defense! Its more important than anything else! So just assume anything cool being developed is being developed for "national defense" purposes! Lets spend more money on that! Paranoia! Fear! DEFENSE.
the performance was amazing (if a bit bittersweet due to the oppressive regime and all) but that video is incredibly annoying! just let me see whats happening! stop cutting and panning and let me see the actual performance!
whats so horrible about religion? and i think there needs to be a clear definition here between religion and spirituality. religion is the dogma, the rules, the church, whereas spirituality pervades all of this and emanates through every human being. i believe in everything! and honestly im tired of ignorant people on the left (who are exactly the same as the religious right, just opposite) who claim religion as the source of all of the worlds problems. we are the source of our own problems, get over it. religion helps a great many people, and while i do not agree with the church or the rigid structure of most religions i am intelligent enough to see through whatever misunderstandings or misinterpretations there may be to the root spiritual message. love!
yes the climate is changing, but HELLO? WE LIVE ON A TROPICAL PLANET.
we also live in an ice age, which while it has been fluctuating up and down for a couple hundred thousand years is only a blip on the scale of the 4 billion year old earth. the vast majority of this planets history has been spent without polar ice caps.
fantastic animation, but im gonna have to cry "shopped!" i dont think he actually used cardboard in these real spaces. the light doesnt match and neither do the shadows (sometimes the shadows match but they look added on).
the placebo is an inert substance. usually just sugar or something else. placebo is the mind curing the body because we fool the mind into thinking something else is curing it, when really we had the power to cure ourselves all along--we just have to believe we can.
what is with the conceptual art haters on neatorama??
why cant you just say, "hey i'm not into it." and move on, instead of attempting to bash on something you really dont understand?
conceptual art is about the theory, the concept. its new, is weird, sometimes it sucks, but the very fact that there are 35+ comments on this post means that it was indeed successful.
why cant we have an insightful, intelligent conversation about the merits of the work instead of bashing on art as a whole? i am of the mind that anything can be art, all it takes is intention. if i point to dog poo and say its art, its art, and i think thats fantastic! everyone can do it and thats what makes it wonderful to me! we're all artists! we're all creators and we're all learning new and unique ways to create our reality.
you'd think religion might teach us how to spell.
calm yourself iago.
we also live in an ice age, which while it has been fluctuating up and down for a couple hundred thousand years is only a blip on the scale of the 4 billion year old earth. the vast majority of this planets history has been spent without polar ice caps.
still awesome video and great animations!
why cant you just say, "hey i'm not into it." and move on, instead of attempting to bash on something you really dont understand?
conceptual art is about the theory, the concept. its new, is weird, sometimes it sucks, but the very fact that there are 35+ comments on this post means that it was indeed successful.
why cant we have an insightful, intelligent conversation about the merits of the work instead of bashing on art as a whole? i am of the mind that anything can be art, all it takes is intention. if i point to dog poo and say its art, its art, and i think thats fantastic! everyone can do it and thats what makes it wonderful to me! we're all artists! we're all creators and we're all learning new and unique ways to create our reality.