The author says that Taiwanese look as different as caucasians, then states it's because they use hair bleach and blue contacts, implying that in their 'natural state' it WOULD be difficult for him to tell them apart. He is supporting the stereotype he's trying to squash.
What does this have to do with the current economic crisis? Detroit's been a sinkhole for decades. None of these houses were mortgaged in the last couple of years.
The act of throwing the item is as much part of the satisfaction of breaking stuff as the noise and mess; this machine would would leave my anger unfulfilled.
So Stephen King lifted his whole backstory of "Rose Red" from the history of the Winchester House. Man, and I thought nothing could make that movie suck more.
Kay Redfield Jamison wrote a book about the link between creativity and madness called "Touched by Fire". It's a very well-written and engrossing book that helped me make sense of my daughter's and my diagnoses of bipolar disorder. Her book "Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide" is also a great book, despite the subject matter.
I also have found that I write better poetry when I'm depressed. (not that it'd ever reach the level of the ladies profiled!)
I also have found that I write better poetry when I'm depressed. (not that it'd ever reach the level of the ladies profiled!)
The red lines meant highways on all the OTHER maps!