I was thinking of calling the panorama "The King of Kota."
That is a fair and accurate summation of the panorama. The young boy lives with his brother in the small shack in the background. They are from Jakarta, but do not live with their parents. There are people all over the city, providing a much needed collection service. They do not get paid, but sell the garbage they find. Jakarta can get very messy and would be far messier without their services. The local government should be providing them with decent housing and an education for the work they are doing.
When I took the shot, I had been walking the streets of Batavia for an hour or so. I just happened to walk past a doorway and he was sitting exactly in the position. He was totally at ease when I took the images. I have one shot of him smiling, which I thought I wanted to use, but I think the final choice is far more powerful.
Thanks for your comment.
I was thinking of calling the panorama "The King of Kota."
That is a fair and accurate summation of the panorama. The young boy lives with his brother in the small shack in the background. They are from Jakarta, but do not live with their parents. There are people all over the city, providing a much needed collection service. They do not get paid, but sell the garbage they find. Jakarta can get very messy and would be far messier without their services. The local government should be providing them with decent housing and an education for the work they are doing.
When I took the shot, I had been walking the streets of Batavia for an hour or so. I just happened to walk past a doorway and he was sitting exactly in the position. He was totally at ease when I took the images. I have one shot of him smiling, which I thought I wanted to use, but I think the final choice is far more powerful.