JimRL's Comments

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Why not go all the way round the track! Did they get lost and realise they weren't on a public road and decided to U-turn.

Seemed to keep up with the race drivers pretty well, haha.
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Steele & Slaphappy

If you had actualy read taliesyn30 post then it states the video CAN NOT be viewed OUTSIDE the USA. Check your reading skills.
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Are these to be placed onto your cat beofre or after the earthquake?

Half crushed by your own home,

"Must....get...fluffy.....the...earthquake survival suit........."
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It was in the news a few months ago about how a council worker who left a meeting to make a cup of tea cost the tax payer over £7000!

Read the article

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I'd rather save the $20, blow some normal bubbles, take a photo and photoshop the colours on...having said that i think clear bubbles are way cooler than coloured...plus you can see a whole spectrum of colours in a clear bubble anyway! jesus i should have got to Mr Kehoe years ago and made him see the light.
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I just read a headline the other day (didn't read the article) saying the British are the worst tourists in Europe…and being British I can unbiasedly agree that the Brits are the worst.

I know every country has a small population that puts the rest to shame, maybe I just notice the behaviour of my own more but I feel the Brits are good at getting themselves noticed more when they insult, attack and vandalise other countries tourist spots.
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